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Anger Management Group

Has your anger landed you in trouble?

Do you easily get out of control when angry?

Want the chance to use anger creatively?


This 8 week anger management group is

what you are looking for.

Creative Anger:

Putting That Powerful  Emotion
to Good Use

Anger -- hardwired into our brains for protection -- is a misunderstood emotion. It contains a paradox. Anger out of control destroys, yet anger, when understood and controlled, is a constructive force and can be used for creativity, change and growth.


This program offers the opportunity to learn to manage anger, and use this powerful emotion to build good, loving, and productive relationships.

Program Goals


The Anger Management program teaches you to:


  • understand anger as a survival reaction 

  • recognize the high cost of inappropriate anger

  • use new skills to "rethink" anger

  • "reframe" perceptions

  • reframe thinking toward a constructive end

  • understand the meaning of empathy

  • ways to express empathy

  • put skills into practice

Potential Outcomes


What you can expect to achieve by the end of the program is to:


  • Recognize anger and what triggers it

  • Think with a goal to "reframe" in a less angry way

  • Hear communication with words and nonverbal actions

  • Use I statements to express your feelings and opinions

  • Notice physical reactions to angry feelings and how to calm down

  • Use anger as a healthy force for good 

  • Reduce anger in provocative situations

  • Effectively halt escalation and resolve conflicts

  • Use strategies like stop and think, time­out, assertiveness, empathy

  • Develop stress management and relaxation skills

  • Successfully restructure your thoughts

  • Know how your body reacts to angry feelings

  • Be able to quickly calm down


anger details

The Details


Where:  227 Dixie Way N, Suite 201 | South Bend, IN


When:  Wednesdays 5:30 - 6:30 pm  



  • $60 for initial assessment / paperwork in a schedule private session

  • $30 for each of 6 required weekly group sessions ($180 total)



Participation Requirements:


• Participate in one evaluation session

• Attend all group sessions

• Arrive on time and stay to the end (by 5:30pm until 6:30pm)

• Participate and / or listen respectfully

• Can enter program at any point

• Financial responsibility for fees is yours by self pay or insurance



Topics for the Eight Group Meetings (8­-10 participants):


  1. Understanding your anger and emergency anger control

  2. Trigger thoughts, behaviors, words

  3. Anger distortions/ Inoculation

  4. Problem solving communication

  5. A plan for real life coping

  6. Being good to yourself

  7. Getting unstuck

  8. The cost of anger and review



My Role as Facilitator is to:


• Present material and facilitate discussion

• Assign, review and give feedback on homework the following week

• Written progress report for each participant after 4th group meeting

(available to referral source when appropriate)

• Completed report for each participant after completing 8 meetings

(available to referral source when appropriate)

• Provide individual therapy sessions to discuss reports on request

• Provide referral source attendance report when appropriate



How to Enroll:


Call 574 - 234 - 3515 or email to schedule your initial assessment

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More About the Creative Anger Group


Creative Anger is an anger management intervention that teaches eight essential tools of anger control to participants in a structured 8 hour core program. Group sessions follow specific topics, and you can start at any point in the process.


I do require everyone to purchase  The Anger Control Workbook, which provides structured exercises, worksheets, and questionnaires to personalize and apply tools of anger control in daily living.


You will be encouraged to practice the skills / tools between sessions, and to complete one simple weekly homework assignment. The homework will be discussed at the beginning of each class. As group facilitator, I review assignments each week, and give written feedback the following week. You are NOT mandated to complete these assignments.


A progress report will be provided to you after your 4th session. With a signed release of information from you, this report will be made available to the source who referred you to this program if and when requested. You have the option to discuss the progress report with the me during an individual therapy session, and / or with the group during session.


feedback loop will be given after the 7th session to give you an opportunity to share knowledge and a new understanding regarding your anger management strategy. You are also encouraged to share specific insights gained during the program.


A final report will be made available to you and your referral source when appropriate.  

If this group is what you need,

I'd be happy to speak with you about it.

Call Abbee Smith, LCSW at



Or you know someone who wants

to learn to express anger with 

empathy and creative resolution,

send them this web page address:!anger-group/xm3et



© 2015-2016 by Abbee Smith, LCSW

227 Dixie Way No, Ste 210
South Bend, Indiana 46637


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If you are experiencing an emergency, call your local crisis hotline, or 911.

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