Abbee Smith LCSW
Intrigue Counseling
for kids, adults, & couples
South Bend IN & Buchanan MI


Abbee Smith, LCSW
As a licensed clinical social worker in the states of Indiana and Michigan with over 30 years experience, my work includes working common life stress issues, unique family systems, and a wide range of cultural dynamics.
I am grounded in developmental, cognitive-behavioral and systems theories. My approach is client centered, practical, strength based, and solution oriented.
My approach uses mindfulness, motivational interviewing, stress management / reduction, and skill building techniques. Exploring insight oriented and psycho dynamic therapies leads to progress for many clients.
Counseling is for "smart people". It is an opportunity to reflect, evaluate and learn new strategies to solve problems and / or improve the quality of your life. At the end of a session a client once said, "That was like emotional yoga, I feel really stretched".

I help kids, adults, and couples through stressful times and difficult situations.
In counseling you can learn new skills for better communication and getting your needs met with less frustration.
When your life is making you mad, sad, or afraid, I can help. Make an appointment now. Let's get started.
Anxiety & Panic
Depression or Grief
Blended Families / Bad Divorces
Identity Dilemmas & Transitions
Stress Management
Traumatic Incidents
Anger Management
I take referrals from physicians who have patients in need of counseling or psychotherapy for the following medical management issues:
anxiety and panic
stress reduction
questions about sexuality
marriage counseling
traumatic incidents
post traumatic stress

Many others in various professions refer clients, parents, employees, friends, and family to me for expert mental health care, including:
lawyers & accountants
probation officers
community & spiritual leaders
teachers & administrators
hospital social workers
business owners / employers
crisis intervention stress debriefing
happy clients


Private Practice Development for
LCSWs, LMHCs, and PhDs
Establishing a successful private practice in today's world takes skills and knowledge you don't get in graduate school or professional training. I can help you:
Determine necessary steps
Decide to be out of network or insurance based
Get set up with EAPs
Learn about filing claims & other billing options
Figure out documentation strategies
Navigate required business skills
Design your marketing plan

South Bend Address:
227 Dixie Way North
Suite 210
South Bend IN 46637
24/7 Emergency:
FAX: 574-234-3565
Buchanan Address:
1045 East Front St
Suite B2
Buchanan MI 49107